After finishing my only final exam yesterday....i did not feel anything....neither happy because it is the only exam i have to sit this semester nor sad because i still have 4 remaining writups to be submitted! damn.....what i felt that is the exam is just like all the assignment or tests.....after i'm done with it....that's all...
Sleeping is what i do now when there is daylight in the sky (i don't know if the sky is blue because i am sleeping....yeah, i could i know) haha...and became a nocturnal person.....i should be friends to bats or MUSANG....
as doing the remaining four assignment made me feel so lazy and heavy-hearted to do them, FUTSAL is the only getaway for me now....but...after that my body forced me to sleep because i am soo fatigue....there goes a day....woke up in the evening and surf internet and watching tv......that's so lame......
urghh....i guess writing all this stuff would cheers someone up, sorry for not updating in such a long time...being in a serious relationship with Ms A. does took away all my commitment though.....and who is Miss A is? Miss Assignment OF COURSE!